IH10 hydraulic freight elevator has the multiple lifting modes. It is applicable fro the elevators with different travelling heights and capacity so as to satisfy various requirements from the customers.
Comparing with traction elevator, hydraulic elevator has following obvious advantages:
Flexible setting of the machine room position
Top machine room is not necessary. A machine room can be flexibly set within 10 meters range near the shaft which more complys with individual design requirements of the constructions.
Saving space and energy consumption, reducing the cost
Counterweight device is not needed, which increases the utlilization rate of the hoistway and saves the construction space and costs. Meanwhile, when the elvator is going downwards, depending upon the work done by the cabin's own weight, no electricity is consumed.
High Safey and reliability
Apart from all the safety protection devices of the traction elevators, we additionally add the multiple hydraulic circuit protection systems such as safety valve, limited speed disconnectiong valve etc.
Compact Structure, low failure rate, easy for Daily maintenance.
The divesified lifting modes
1. Single cylinder disde action type 4:2
Under this lifting mode, elevator can thoroughly sovle the unbalanced loading to traditional ruchsack hydraulic system guide rail. It greatly imporves the comfortness of the elevator start and brake. It is especially suitable for the elevators with large hoisting height and small rated carrying weight.
2. Double cylinder side action 2:1
UKnde the linkage elvator configurations of two rows of oil cylinder and pulley block combination with symmetrical arrangment, all the car loads will be borne by two rows of oil cylinders. Therefore we can reduce the shaft wall force. It is especially suitable for the elevators with large hoisting height and medium rated load.
3. Double cylinder side action direct drive 1:1
Two rows of oil cylinder with symmertical arrangement direclty connect with upper beam of the car. Under this lifting mode, the elvator gets the concise structure and the high safety coefficient. it is especially suitable for elevators with the low elevator height and medium rated load capacity.
4. Double cylinder side action 6 rail 2:1
Under this lifting mode, all of the elvator car load will be borne by oil cylinder. Therefore we have low requirements towards the hoistway structure. Whereas car guide rail system is composed by 6 rows of rigid guide rails, it encusres the car rigidity requirements and fine stablility in transport travel even the elevator is in the unbalanced load conditions. The rated load reaches as high as 5000kg. It is especially suitable for the concentrated load elevators wiht medium travel height and heavy rated load.
Hydraulic Freight Construction Sketch